Poster depicting Shaman King Specials
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Shaman King Specials
English: Shaman King Specials
2000-01-31 to 2004-02-12

Throughout the broadcast of Shaman King, many shorts (usually referred to as Shaman King omake and TV specials) were made on special days of the year related to spirits and the like. The omake were short stories that were made for humorous effect. Apparently, all of the omake fit into the story before the Shaman Fight 2nd round. Documents of the Shaman Fight was shown with a New Year's omake as well. The TV Specials were aired after specific points of the story as well as on holidays. The specials were never dubbed in English, and, most likely, never will be. (Source: Wikipedia)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Amidamaru main Yeong Seon Kim Korean
You Asakura main Yuko Sato Japanese
Anna Kyouyama main Megumi Hayashibara Japanese
Manta Oyamada main Inuko Inuyama Japanese
Ren Tao main Romi Park Japanese
Hao Asakura supporting Minami Takayama Japanese
Lyserg Diethel supporting Yoko Soumi Japanese
Tamao Tamamura supporting Nana Mizuki Japanese
Ryunosuke Umemiya supporting Masahiko Tanaka Japanese
Horokeu Usui supporting Yuji Ueda Japanese

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