Poster depicting Lupin III: Elusiveness of the Fog
339 ratings
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Alternative titles
ルパン三世 霧のエリューシヴ
English: Lupin III: Elusiveness of the Fog
2007-07-27 to 2007-07-27

On the ocean floor, Lupin is once again seeking a treasure hoping to get on Fujiko's good side. As Zenigata chases them on sea and land, people around the gang begin to vanish mysteriously. The fog rolls in and Mamo Kyosuke appears in a burst of light; he claims to be from the future and seeks revenge on Lupin III for what Lupin XIII has done to him. Mamo hurls Lupin, Jigen, Goemon, and Zenigata 500 years into the past; as two warring factions fight over a legendary shrine dedicated to time travel, Lupin must find a way to survive the past to ensure his future.

(Source: Lupin III Encyclopedia)

This movie is a remake of episode 13 in the original Lupin III series.

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Voice Actors & Characters

Goemon Ishikawa XIII main Makio Inoue Japanese
Daisuke Jigen main Kiyoshi Kobayashi Japanese
Daisuke Jigen main Sandro Pellegrini Italian
Arsene Lupin III main Kanichi Kurita Japanese
Arsene Lupin III main Stefano Onofri Italian
Kyosuke Mamou main Shidou Nakamura Japanese
Ofumi supporting Mari Sekine Japanese
Iseka supporting Houko Kuwashima Japanese
Eshika supporting Akira Ishida Japanese
Takaya supporting Shoutaro Ookubo Japanese
Takaya supporting Gabriele Patriarca Italian
Hasama supporting Takamura Seko Japanese
Obitaki supporting Takeshi Watabe Japanese
Fujiko Mine supporting Eiko Masuyama Japanese
Koichi Zenigata supporting Goro Naya Japanese

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