Poster depicting Kaiketsu Zorro
903 ratings
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Alternative titles
English: The Magnificent Zorro
1996-04-05 to 1997-04-14

Diego Vega returns from his study trip to discover his homeland is under the army's dictatorship. Diego, refusing to watch idly, disguises himself as Zorro to protect the weak and oppressed. Diego is not a coward but he is unable to win the affections of his sweetheart, Lolita, who is attracted to other more noble men. Diego serenades Lolita as Zorro and fights the evils of his homeland, hoping to capture her heart.

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Voice Actors & Characters

Lolita main Maria Kawamura Japanese
Lolita main Melanie Hinze German
Lolita main Emmanuelle Pailly French
Bernard main Rika Matsumoto Japanese
Bernard main Francette Vernillat French
Diego De La Vega main Toshihiko Seki Japanese
Diego De La Vega main David Nathan German
Diego De La Vega main Claudio Moneta Italian
Diego De La Vega main Mark Lesser French
Alejandro De La Vega main Ikuya Sawaki Japanese
Alejandro De La Vega main Philippe Ogouz French
Caterina Prideaux main Kumiko Takizawa Japanese
Lieutenant Gabriel supporting Kenyuu Horiuchi Japanese
Lieutenant Gabriel supporting François Leccia French
Governor General supporting Osamu Saka Japanese
Captain Jekyll supporting Shigezou Sasaoka Japanese
Maria supporting Agnès Gribe French
Maria supporting Atsuko Mine Japanese
Sergeant Pedro Gonzales supporting Kouzou Shioya Japanese
Sergeant Pedro Gonzales supporting Mariano Peña Spanish
Sergeant Pedro Gonzales supporting Philippe Ogouz French
Don Carlos Prideaux supporting Shouzou Iizuka Japanese
Commander Luis Ramon supporting Juurouta Kosugi Japanese

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