Poster depicting Umi ga Kikoeru
3535 ratings
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Alternative titles
English: The Ocean Waves
1993-05-05 to 1993-05-05

Ocean Waves is a high school love story set in Kochi, Japan. Morisaku Taku and Matsuno Yutaka are best friends when a girl from Tokyo named Muto Rikako transfers to their school. Excluding herself from group activities, she's eventually labeled a snob. Matsuno has a crush on Rikako, so it's no surprise that he gets a little jealous when Morisaku and Rikako start spending more time together. The rumors around school get worse, but Morisaku still insists there is nothing between him and Rikako.

(Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Yutaka Matsuno main Toshihiko Seki Japanese
Yutaka Matsuno main Tobias Nath German
Taku Morisaki main Nobuo Tobita Japanese
Taku Morisaki main Nico Sablik German
Taku Morisaki main Tamás Markovics Hungarian
Taku Morisaki main Seok jeong Yang Korean
Rikako Muto main Youko Sakamoto Japanese
Rikako Muto main Titanilla Bogdányi Hungarian
Rikako Muto main Tanya Kahana German
Yumi Kohama supporting Kae Araki Japanese
Yumi Kohama supporting Ilona Molnár Hungarian
Akiko Shimizu supporting Yuri Amano Japanese
Akiko Shimizu supporting Julia Ziffer German
Akiko Shimizu supporting Bea Vadász Hungarian

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