Poster depicting Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl
5707 ratings
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English: Girl Meets Girl
2006-01-12 to 2006-03-30

Hazumu was a shy boy who enjoyed gardening, collecting herbs, and long walks in the mountains. One day he finally worked up the courage to confess his love to Yasuna, but she rejected him. Depressed, he wandered up Mt. Kashimayama, the place where they first met, to reconsider his feelings. After getting lost, he wished upon a shooting star and received a bizarre twist of fate. Now he is a she, and she stumbles headfirst back into social life and relationships only to find that the entire landscape has changed!(Source: Media Blasters)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Yasuna Kamiizumi main Yui Horie Japanese
Yasuna Kamiizumi main Karen Strassman English
Tomari Kurusu main Yukari Tamura Japanese
Tomari Kurusu main Mona Marshall English
Hazumu Osaragi main Kana Ueda Japanese
Hazumu Osaragi main Stephanie Sheh English
Ayuki Mari supporting Masumi Asano Japanese
Touru Osaragi supporting Makoto Yasumura Japanese
Touru Osaragi supporting Dave Mallow English
Kahoru Osaragi supporting Mari Devon English
Kahoru Osaragi supporting Yuuko Nagashima Japanese
Jan Puu supporting Ryouko Shintani Japanese
Hitoshi Sora supporting Keiji Fujiwara Japanese
Hitoshi Sora supporting Robert Buchholz English
Asuta Soro supporting Daisuke Ono Japanese
Asuta Soro supporting Doug Erholtz English
Namiko Tsuki supporting Yuko Mizutani Japanese

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