Portrait of character named  Ami Mizuno


Birthday: September 10

Zodiac: virgo

Blood type: A

Family members: mother (doctor)

Hobbies: reading, playing chess

Favorite sport: swimming

Favorite color: light blue

Favorite class: Mathematics

Least favorite class: none

Favorite foods: sandwiches, honey

Least favorite food: hamachi

Hopes to go to: Greece

Habits: pondering, putting her hand to her mouth

Special skill: calculating

Pet she wants to raise: a wise cat like Luna

Dislikes: none

Motto: Pure, Honest, Beautiful!

Favorite stone: sapphire

A quiet bookworm in Usagi's class, called Amy in the English adaptations of the series. She is hugely intelligent, with an IQ of 300, and can transform into Sailor Mercury, acquiring power over water. Ami's shy exterior masks a passion for knowledge and for taking care of the people around her. She hopes to be a doctor one day, like her mother, and tends to be the practical one in the group. Secretly, she is also a fan of pop culture and romance novels and becomes embarrassed whenever this is pointed out.

(Source: Wikipedia)

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