Poster depicting Housekishou Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei
594 ratings
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Alternative titles
The Case Files of Jeweler Richard
2020-01-09 to 2020-03-26

Possessing a deep knowledge of mineralogy, Richard Ranashinha de Vulpian is a young and handsome British jewelry appraiser who owns a small shop in Japan. One fateful night, Seigi Nakata, a righteous college student, saves him from drunks who were harassing him due to his good looks. Upon learning of Richard's identity, Seigi hires him to appraise a pink sapphire ring that was left behind by his deceased grandmother. Before long, Seigi becomes a trusted part-timer at Richard's shop. Together, the duo solve various jewel-related requests from diverse clients of different backgrounds. Step by step, they unravel the hidden motives and feelings that lie within the gems in order to understand and empathize with the little stories behind each piece of jewelry. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

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Voice Actors & Characters

Richard Ranashinha de Vulpian main Takahiro Sakurai Japanese
Seigi Nakata main Yuuma Uchida Japanese
Male Clerk supporting Seiichirou Yamashita Japanese
Tae Miyashita supporting Ikuko Tani Japanese
Shouko Tanimoto supporting Kana Hanazawa Japanese
Mito Yamamoto supporting Chiwa Saito Japanese
Mami Sasu supporting Yuu Kobayashi Japanese
Hajime Yasaka supporting Mutsumi Tamura Japanese
Hajime's Father supporting Kouji Yusa Japanese

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