Poster depicting Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no Tobira
29512 ratings
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Alternative titles
English: Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door
2001-09-01 to 2001-09-01

As the Cowboy Bebop crew travels the stars, they learn of the largest bounty yet, a huge 300 million Woolongs. Apparently, someone is wielding a hugely powerful chemical weapon, and of course the authorities are at a loss to stop it. The war to take down the most dangerous criminal yet forces the crew to face a true madman, with bare hope to succeed.(Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Jet Black main Unshou Ishizuka Japanese
Jet Black main Beau Billingslea English
Jet Black main Alfonso Ramirez Spanish
Electra Ovilo main Ai Kobayashi Japanese
Electra Ovilo main Jennifer Hale English
Electra Ovilo main Seon Hye Kim Korean
Spike Spiegel main Kouichi Yamadera Japanese
Spike Spiegel main Steven Blum English
Spike Spiegel main Massimo De ambrosis Italian
Spike Spiegel main Guilherme Briggs Portuguese
Spike Spiegel main Yamil Atala Spanish
Spike Spiegel main Ja hyeong Gu Korean
Spike Spiegel main Martin Halm German
Spike Spiegel main Joan Pera Spanish
Spike Spiegel main Bruno Mullenaerts French
Faye Valentine main Megumi Hayashibara Japanese
Faye Valentine main Wendee Lee English
Faye Valentine main Barbara De Bortoli Italian
Faye Valentine main Kriszta Németh Hungarian
Faye Valentine main Antje von der Ahe German
Faye Valentine main Alexandra Correa French
Vincent Volaju main Tsutomu Isobe Japanese
Vincent Volaju main Daran Norris English
Vincent Volaju main Wan Gyeong Seong Korean
Vincent Volaju main Arnaud Léonard French
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV main Melissa Fahn English
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV main Aoi Tada Japanese
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV main Isabel Martiñón Spanish
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV main Sabine Bohlmann German
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV main Jeong Hwa Yang Korean
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV main Stéphane Flamand French
Ein supporting Kouichi Yamadera Japanese
Punch supporting Paul St. Peter English
Punch supporting Tsutomu Tareki Japanese
Judy supporting Miki Nagasawa Japanese
Judy supporting Lia Sargent English
Bob supporting John Snyder English
Bob supporting Yutaka Nakano Japanese
Bob supporting Olivier Cuvellier French
Laughing Bull supporting Michael Gregory English
Laughing Bull supporting Takehiro Koyama Japanese
Captain supporting Kinryuu Arimoto Japanese
Captain supporting Murphy Dunne English
Lee Samson supporting Yuji Ueda Japanese
Lee Samson supporting Dave Wittenberg English
Lee Samson supporting Dominik Auer German

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