Poster depicting Hunter x Hunter: The Last Mission
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Hunter x Hunter: The Last Mission
2013-12-27 to 2013-12-27

Some tens of years ago, chairman of the Hunters Association Isaac Netero sealed away Jed, a man representing the "Shadow" of the association that had began to make use of the power "On." "On", being another side of the coin of Nen, derives its power from the user's pure hatred at the cost of their life. Although he thought he had sealed Jed and "On" away, a team of On-using warriors appears at Heaven's Arena's Battle Olympia Tournament. Gon and Killua, who had come to cheer on Zushi, along with Kurapika, who attends the tournament to protect his boss Neon, are forced to find the source of a violent invasion of the tower and defeat it. However, this may not be so easy, as their foes use the power of hatred as they wish for the death of all Hunters.(Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Kurapika main Miyuki Sawashiro Japanese
Gon Freecss main Megumi Han Japanese
Isaac Netero main Ichiro Nagai Japanese
Leorio Paladiknight main Keiji Fujiwara Japanese
Killua Zoldyck main Mariya Ise Japanese
Hisoka supporting Daisuke Namikawa Japanese
Senritsu supporting Miina Tominaga Japanese
Wing supporting Toshihiko Seki Japanese
Zushi supporting Yuka Terasaki Japanese
Jed supporting Shidou Nakamura Japanese
Shura supporting Hiroyuki Amano Japanese
Rengoku supporting Mizuki Yamamoto Japanese
Biscuit Krueger supporting Chisa Yokoyama Japanese

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