Poster depicting Mardock Scramble: The Third Exhaust
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マルドゥック・スクランブル 第3部 排気
Mardock Scramble: The Third Exhaust
2012-09-29 to 2012-09-29

The final plans to finish Shell off in court have been made by Easter, Balot, and Oeufcoque. But in order to execute those plans, they must set foot into Shell's domain: the BlueEgg Casino in the center of Mardock City, and find the chip where his memories lie. If they can't find the chip, their case will be dismissed in court, and their "usefulness" will be gone – resulting in all of their deaths. Will Balot find the chip in time, while still dodging Boiled and his now mad search for her and Oeufcoque?(Source: the witch of theatregoing)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Rune Balot main Megumi Hayashibara Japanese
Rune Balot main Hilary Haag English
Oeufcoque Penteano main Andy McAvin English
Oeufcoque Penteano main Norito Yashima Japanese
Dr. Easter supporting Hiroki Touchi Japanese
Dr. Easter supporting David Matranga English
Dr. Easter supporting Peter Flechtner German
Dimsdale Boiled supporting Tsutomu Isobe Japanese
Dimsdale Boiled supporting David Wald English
Marlowe John Fever supporting Daisuke Ono Japanese
Marlowe John Fever supporting Adam Gibbs English
Shell Septinos supporting Kazuya Nakai Japanese
Shell Septinos supporting Leraldo Anzaldua English
Shell Septinos supporting Tommy Morgenstern German

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