Poster depicting Supernatural The Animation
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Supernatural The Animation
2011-02-23 to 2011-04-27

Based on the live-action CW show Supernatural, the anime will be a 22-episode season that will cover the storyline of the live-action version's first two seasons.The anime project will not only remake the best episodes from the live-action version, but also depict original episodes not seen in the live-action version. Those original episodes will include prologues of the Winchester brothers' childhood, anime-only enemies, and episodes featuring secondary characters from the live-action version.(Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Dean Winchester main Hiroki Touchi Japanese
Dean Winchester main Atsushi Abe Japanese
Dean Winchester main Jensen Ackles English
Dean Winchester main Andrew Farrar English
Sam Winchester main Makoto Tsumura Japanese
Sam Winchester main Yuya Uchida Japanese
Sam Winchester main Jared Padalecki English
Ryan supporting Daisuke Namikawa Japanese
Azazel supporting Naoya Uchida Japanese
Andrew Gallagher supporting Gackt Japanese
Meg Masters supporting Nana Mizuki Japanese
Max Miler supporting Hiroyuki Yoshino Japanese
Bobby Singer supporting Takashi Taniguchi Japanese
Jake Talley supporting Shinichiro Miki Japanese
John Winchester supporting Takaya Hashi Japanese
John Winchester supporting Alain Goulem English

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