Poster depicting Sex Pistols
1916 ratings
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Sex Pistols
2010-03-26 to 2011-04-27

An average boy named Norio is suddenly getting a lot of unwanted romantic attention. A fall down the stairs into the arms of a handsome stranger sets off the beginnings of an explanation, and it is one Norio never could have possibly imagined. Soon a whole new world opens up for Norio revealing a secret society of special people evolved from animals other than monkeys. Norio turns out to be a particularly rare breed and his DNA is in high demand. Now that he's suddenly the prey, it'll take much effort to survive in this modern jungle. This story revolves around a high school boy who discovers that he is part of a select group of humans who did not evolve from monkeys, but various animals such as leopards and black bears. (Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Shiro Fujiwara main Wataru Hatano Japanese
Teruhiko Kumakashi main Jin Domon Japanese
Kunimasa Madarame main Yoshihisa Kawahara Japanese
Yonekuni Madarame main Tomokazu Sugita Japanese
Norio Tsuburaya main Hiro Shimono Japanese
Oshou Aogiri supporting Hirofumi Nojima Japanese
Makio Madarame supporting Sayaka Ohara Japanese
Yoshua McBear supporting Ken Narita Japanese

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