Poster depicting Project ARMS
693 ratings
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English: Project ARMS
2001-04-07 to 2001-09-29

A boy gets involved in an accident when in kindergarten, horribly damaging his arm, but the doctors somehow manage to save it. Now, several years later, his arm seems to be becoming the focus of strange events as it turns out to be more than a normal arm. Meanwhile, a secret organizations is out to get hold of him and the power he possess.

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Voice Actors & Characters

Katsumi Akagi main Emanuela Pacotto Italian
Katsumi Akagi main Tomoko Miura Japanese
Kei Kuruma main Minami Takayama Japanese
Kei Kuruma main Nicole Oliver English
Hayato Shingu main Shinichiro Miki Japanese
Hayato Shingu main Brian Drummond English
Ryou Takatsuki main Nobutoshi Canna Japanese
Ryou Takatsuki main Kirby Morrow English
Takeshi Tomoe main Yuji Ueda Japanese
Takeshi Tomoe main Brad Swaile English
Takeshi Tomoe main Massimo Di benedetto Italian
Keith Black supporting Ryotaro Okiayu Japanese
Keith Black supporting Ward Perry English
Keith Blue supporting Ross Douglas English
Mary Katz supporting You Inoue Japanese
Keith Red supporting Show Hayami Japanese
Keith Silver supporting Yasuhiko Kawazu Japanese
Keith Violet supporting Houko Kuwashima Japanese

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