Poster depicting Brigadoon: Marin to Melan
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Alternative titles
ブリガドーン まりんとメラン
English: Brigadoon
2000-07-21 to 2001-02-09

Marin is a typical junior high school girl with a sunny disposition and a loving adoptive family. Her life takes a drastic change when an mysterious mirage is seen in the sky above the entire earth. Killer androids called Monomakia descend to earth from the formation in the sky called Brigadoon and begin to hunt down little Marin. She discovers a blue bottle in a shrine as she seeks escape and from the bottle comes a protector, a sword carrying gun slinging alien called Melan Blue, together they must save the earth and deal with family crisis, school prejudice and the police and come to an understanding of Marins past and Melans unexplained mission, as well as learn to trust each other. Set in 1969 Japan with a colorful cast of friends and enemies.(Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Lolo main Wendee Lee English
Lolo main Mayumi Shintani Japanese
Marin Asagi main Wendee Lee English
Marin Asagi main Midori Kawana Japanese
Melan Blue main Houchuu Otsuka Japanese
Melan Blue main Tony Oliver English
Makota Alo supporting Hikaru Midorikawa Japanese
Makota Alo supporting Dave Wittenberg English
Moto Asagi supporting Wendee Lee English
Moto Asagi supporting Rikako Aikawa Japanese
Erin Garnet supporting Wendee Lee English
Erin Garnet supporting Kae Araki Japanese
Moe Kisaragi supporting Michelle Ruff English
Moe Kisaragi supporting Ayaka Saitou Japanese
Midori Mano supporting Wendee Lee English
Midori Mano supporting Ryoka Yuzuki Japanese
Pyon Silver supporting Yuji Takada Japanese
Pyon Silver supporting Neil Kaplan English
Jun Tokita supporting Wendee Lee English
Jun Tokita supporting Kae Araki Japanese

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