Poster depicting Nishi no Yoki Majo: Astraea Testament
1404 ratings
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Alternative titles
西の善き魔女 Astraea Testament
English: The Good Witch Of The West
2006-04-08 to 2006-07-01

On Filiel's 15th birthday, she received her mother’s necklace as a memento from her obstinate astronomer father. Her common and tedious life was turned into a life of conspiracies. With her new life, many adventures await.(Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Firiel Dee main Fumiko Orikasa Japanese
Firiel Dee main Claire Tefnin French
Firiel Dee main Ui Jin Chae Korean
Roux Ltskin main Hiromi Hirata Japanese
Roux Ltskin main Si Ho Hong Korean
Roux Ltskin main Alessandro Bevilacqua French
Adele Roland main Chiwa Saito Japanese
Adele Roland main Yeo Jin Yun Korean
Adele Roland main Jennifer Baré French
Bard supporting Won Hyeong Choi Korean
Bard supporting Gyeng Su Hyeon Korean
Bard supporting Maxime Donnay French
Leandra Cheviat supporting Rie Tanaka Japanese
Leandra Cheviat supporting Myeong seon Lee Korean
Leandra Cheviat supporting Nathalie Homs French
Riez Liamon supporting Jouji Nakata Japanese
Riez Liamon supporting Arnaud Léonard French
Chrisbart Lot supporting Akira Ishida Japanese
Chrisbart Lot supporting Myeong Jun Jeong Korean
Chrisbart Lot supporting Christophe Hespel French
Oset Marie supporting Ayumi Fujimura Japanese
Oset Marie supporting Ji Yeong Lee Korean
Oset Marie supporting Elsa Poisot French
Oset Marie supporting Millie Forsberg German
Eusis Roland supporting Kishou Taniyama Japanese
Eusis Roland supporting Tommy Morgenstern German
Eusis Roland supporting David Manet French

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