Poster depicting Slayers Great
2054 ratings
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Alternative titles
English: Slayers Movie 3
1997-08-02 to 1997-08-02

Laia Einburg wants for her father Galia, who is a talented golom maker, and her equally ambitious brother Huey to end a long running feud. But her luck changes for the worse when Lina Inverse and Naga the Serpent save Laia from a rampaging golem.

(Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Lina Inverse main Megumi Hayashibara Japanese
Lina Inverse main Cynthia Martinez English
Lina Inverse main Emanuela Pacotto Italian
Lina Inverse main Shandra Schadt German
Gracia Ul Naga Saillune main Kelly Manison English
Gracia Ul Naga Saillune main Maria Kawamura Japanese
Gracia Ul Naga Saillune main Veronika Aryana Neugebauer German
Lord Granion supporting Norio Wakamoto Japanese
Lord Haizen supporting Kiyoshi Kawakubo Japanese
Lord Haizen supporting Claus Brockmeyer German
Granion's Aid supporting Kaneto Shiozawa Japanese
Sorcerer supporting Wendel Calvert English
Laia Einburg supporting Hilary Haag English
Laia Einburg supporting Kikuko Inoue Japanese
Huey Einburg supporting Andy McAvin English
Huey Einburg supporting Takehito Koyasu Japanese
Galia Einburg supporting Seizou Katou Japanese
Galia Einburg supporting John Tyson English

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