Poster depicting Otaku no Video
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Otaku no Video
1991-09-27 to 1991-12-20

Somewhat based on the real story of how Gainax was founded, Otaku no Video addresses all aspects of an otaku lifestyle. Ken Kubo is a young man living an average life until he is dragged into a group of otaku. Slowly, he becomes more like them until he decides to abandon his former life to become king of otaku —the otaking! Mixed in are live-action interviews with real otaku, addressing every aspect of hardcore otaku life. Not only are anime and manga fans included, but also sci-fi fans, military fans, and other groups of Japanese geeks.

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Voice Actors & Characters

Tanaka main Toshiharu Sakurai Japanese
Ken Kubo main Kouji Tsujitani Japanese
Narrator supporting Akio Otsuka Japanese
Kanda supporting Akio Otsuka Japanese
Yoshida supporting Hideyuki Umezu Japanese
Murata supporting Kiyoyuki Yanada Japanese
Miyoshi supporting Masami Kikuchi Japanese
Yamaguchi supporting Nobuo Tobita Japanese
Hino supporting Shigeru Nakahara Japanese
Iiyama supporting Toshiyuki Morikawa Japanese
Kitajima supporting Wataru Takagi Japanese
Misuzu Fukuhara supporting Yuko Kobayashi Japanese
Misty May supporting Kikuko Inoue Japanese
Youko Nakamaru supporting Rena Yukie Japanese
Yuri Satou supporting Yuri Amano Japanese
Yoshiko Ueno supporting Kikuko Inoue Japanese

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