Poster depicting Binchou-tan
1274 ratings
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2006-02-02 to 2006-04-15

This is a story about a little girl who lives in an old house in the mountains. Her name is Bincho-tan. Each episode depicts a day in the life of Bincho-tan as she prepares her breakfast in the morning, goes to the forest to gather vegetables, does her household chores and rests at night after a day's work. She is surrounded by a group of close friends who add color to her ordinary yet simple life.

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Voice Actors & Characters

Binchou-tan main Ai Nonaka Japanese
Binchou-tan main Min Jeong Yeo Korean
Kunugi-tan supporting Sakura Nogawa Japanese
Kunugi-tan supporting Candice Moore English
Kunugi-tan supporting Yeo Jin Yun Korean
Chiku-tan supporting Mai Kadowaki Japanese
Chiku-tan supporting Seon Yeong Park Korean
Ren-tan supporting Rina Satou Japanese
Ren-tan supporting Do Yeong Song Korean
Chiku-rin supporting Misato Fukuen Japanese
Chiku-rin supporting Seon Hye Kim Korean
Aroe supporting Momoko Saitou Japanese
Aroe supporting Hyeon Jin Lee Korean
Narrator supporting Kikuko Inoue Japanese
Narrator supporting Jeong Sin Wu Korean
Ookushi supporting Fumihiko Tachiki Japanese
Sudajii supporting Tomomichi Nishimura Japanese
Pukashuu supporting Miyu Matsuki Japanese
Yurio supporting Seiko Fujiki Japanese
Chishanoki supporting Naoko Suzuki Japanese
Madake supporting Kenichi Ogata Japanese
Shuro supporting Yasumichi Kushida Japanese
Ume supporting Reiko Suzuki Japanese

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