Poster depicting Ginyuu Mokushiroku Meine Liebe
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吟遊黙示録 マイネリーベ
Ginyuu Mokushiroku Meine Liebe
2004-11-04 to 2005-02-03

The first season begins with introducing the characters, their past and their ambitions. Orpherus, Eduard, Camus, Lui and Naoji are five noblemen who attend the prestigious Rozenstolz academy, and who are a part of the Strahl class – a class for potential candidates for the advisory positions in the royal palace in the small European country of Kuchen. Isaac is an English writer who visits Kuchen. While still students, the five noblemen are forced to deal with corrupted politicians, secret agents, attempted murder and ambitious individuals from both inside and outside of school who threatens to break the fragile peace in their country, and even assassinate the king.

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Voice Actors & Characters

Sir Isaac Cavendish main Takehito Koyasu Japanese
Sir Isaac Cavendish main Lutz Schnell German
Orpherus Fürst von Marmelade Nahe Görz main Takahiro Sakurai Japanese
Ludwig Herzog von Mohn Nahe Liechtenstein main Toshihiko Seki Japanese
Naoji Ishizuki main Akira Ishida Japanese
Naoji Ishizuki main Tobias Müller German
Eduard Markgraf von Sekt Braunschweig main Tomokazu Seki Japanese
Camus Pfalzgraf von Silvaner Lüneburg main Soichiro Hoshi Japanese
Camus Pfalzgraf von Silvaner Lüneburg main Julien Haggége German
Josef Torger supporting Nobutoshi Canna Japanese

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