Poster depicting Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku
7191 ratings
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Alternative titles
English: Now and Then, Here and There
1999-10-14 to 2000-01-20

Shu is a typical Japanese boy, but has an unbeatable, optimistic and determined attitude. However, when he sees a mysterious girl with strange eyes named Lala-Ru up on a smokestack, he is soon pulled into a strange desert world. Shu soon discovers the true terrors of war, which includes genocide, brutal torture, hunger, thirst, and child exploitation. Now Shu is trying to save Lala-Ru, as well as his hard earned, and often relunctant, new friends from the insane dictator, Hamdo. Whether Shu can possibly accomplish saving those he cares about while still holding up to his values remains to be seen. (Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Lala-Ru main Kaori Nazuka Japanese
Lala-Ru main Lisa Ortiz English
Lala-Ru main Elodie Ben French
Nabuca main Dan Green English
Nabuca main Yuka Imai Japanese
Nabuca main Pascal Grull French
Shuzo Matsutani main Akemi Okamura Japanese
Shuzo Matsutani main Ted Lewis English
Shuzo Matsutani main Alexandre N'guyen French
Sara Ringwalt main Azusa Nakao Japanese
Sara Ringwalt main Kayzie Rogers English
Sara Ringwalt main Bénédicte Bosc French
Hamdo supporting Kouji Ishii Japanese
Hamdo supporting Jack Taylor English
Abelia supporting Reiko Yasuhara Japanese
Abelia supporting Agnès Manoury French
Abelia supporting Dana Halsted English
Boo supporting Rachael Lillis English
Boo supporting Hiroko Konishi Japanese
Boo supporting Chantal Baroin French
Tabool supporting Crispin Freeman English
Tabool supporting Akio Suyama Japanese
Tabool supporting Cyrille Monge French
Sis supporting Rika Matsumoto Japanese
Sis supporting Rachael Lillis English
Soon supporting Ayaka Saitou Japanese
Soon supporting Kerry Williams English

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