Portrait of character named  Shizuo Heiwajima


Name meaning: Quiet Hero of the Peaceful Island (kanji reading: "peaceful island" and "serene man" respectively)

Birthday: January 28 (Aquarius)

Age: 24

Height: 185 cm (6' 1")

Weight: 70 kg (154 lbs)

Blood type: O

Hobby: basking in the sun

Likes: running, books, relaxing, Kasuka Heiwajima

Dislikes: Izaya Orihara, violence, gambling

Favorite foods: milk, dairy products, desserts (sweet things in general)

Disliked foods: anything that's bitter, beer (his preferences are like a kid's, as far as taste is concerned)

Favorite quote: "I hate violence."

A man who is always seen to wear sunglasses and a bartender's suit. Although quiet and nondescript while not angered, he has a very short fuse and fights with incredible strength. Despite his simple and unrefined fighting skills, he is often considered the strongest fighter in the series. In the novels his power is described as the naturally unlimited form of human strength and likened to "adrenaline power" that can give people superhuman strength in times of emergency. In addition, Shizuo is capable of often superhuman parkour moves, a skill he obtained naturally from years of hunting down Izaya Orihara.

Shizuo works as a bodyguard for a debt collector in Ikebukuro and carries intense animosity towards Izaya. He has a younger brother, Kasuka, who is a top idol under the showbiz name of Hanejima Yūhei. He is also a long-time acquaintance of Celty.

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