Portrait of character named  DunHeely Weller


Age: Changes - 25 to 80's

Birthday: Unknown

Gender: Male

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Chestnut Brown/ Grey

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Race: Human

Family: Lover - Cecilie, Children - Conrad

Power: Skill as a swordsman

Likes: Freedom, Roaming, Strong people, Equality

Dislikes: Oppression, Staying in one place too long

Personality: Dunheely has a lot of pride in himself and his family. He often tries to right wrongs that have been committed against innocent people. He loves Cecilie but decides that she deserves better than him.

Status: Deceased

Rurouni, hero and expert barehanded fisherman Dunheely tries to help the underprivileged wherever he goes. Dunheely ran across Lady Cecilie in his wanderings and promptly fell in love. Despite his feelings he left Cecilie to continue his quests throughout the land. He passed away an old man defending Demon Tribe Citizens who were being persecuted by bandits.

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