Portrait of character named  Hans Christian Andersen


Birthday: April 2

Height: 146 cm

Weight: 39 kg

Place of Origin: Denmark

Likes: The moment when the writing is finished

Dislikes: Writer's block

Talents: Human Observation

Caster is the Caster-class Servant of Kiara Sessyoin in the Moon Cell Holy Grail War of Fate/Extra CCC. He is one of the Servants of the Protagonist of the Grand Order conflicts of Fate/Grand Order.

Caster appears to be a young boy around the age of 10 in formal clothing. Despite this, he has the voice of a man much older and his body is covered in scales, burns, frostbite and a myriad of other traits taken from his stories.

Though Heroic Spirits should be at the "golden age" depicted in their myths, he interprets it as his childhood being the time when he was most overflowing with sensitivity. He also gains the characteristic of sudden understanding, such as looking over materials of his former self and finding them so rambling to the point of embarrassment. Even a prodigy becomes a normal person once they're out of their twenties. He also theorizes the possibility that he was summoned at that age due to that evil woman's interests

Fate/Extra CCC Fox Tail

Fate/Grand Order CMs

Initially, appears in London CM.

Appearing in