Poster depicting Adachi to Shimamura
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Adachi and Shimamura
2020-10-09 to 2020-12-25

Somewhere in the school at noon, one might hear the sound of two girls playing table tennis together as they wait for time to pass by. As if by fate, two students—Sakura Adachi and Hougetsu Shimamura—stumble upon each other on the second floor of the school gymnasium. As they gradually foster a budding friendship, their feelings for one another only become more ambiguous. Growing closer by the day, the two must learn to navigate their contrasting personalities as well as determine the depth of their affection for each other. The nature of this relationship gradually shifts when one of them starts to develop feelings beyond the boundaries of a platonic relationship. Even so, Adachi and Shimamura must realize if forming a bond stronger than friendship will bring them closer or tear them apart. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

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Voice Actors & Characters

Hougetsu Shimamura main Amanda Lee English
Hougetsu Shimamura main Ana Paula Cadamuro Portuguese
Hougetsu Shimamura main Montserrat Aguilar Spanish
Sakura Adachi main Luiza Caspary Portuguese
Hougetsu Shimamura main Miku Itou Japanese
Sakura Adachi main Megan Shipman English
Sakura Adachi main Casandra Acevedo Spanish
Sakura Adachi main Akari Kitou Japanese
Akira Hino supporting Amanda Tavares Portuguese
Taeko Nagafuji supporting Reina Ueda Japanese
Taeko Nagafuji supporting Monica Rial English
Taeko Nagafuji supporting Monalisa Capella Portuguese
Taeko Nagafuji supporting Fernanda Robles Spanish
Akira Hino supporting Leslie Gil Spanish
Yashiro Chikama supporting Desiree Gonzalez Spanish
Atsuka Adachi supporting Raquel Marinho Portuguese
Tarumi supporting Amanda Hinojosa Spanish
Atsuka Adachi supporting Shizuka Itou Japanese
Ekishaman supporting Erika Langarica Spanish
Yashiro Chikama supporting Sarah Wiedenheft English
Yashiro Chikama supporting Iori Saeki Japanese
Ekishaman supporting Mari Hino Japanese
Ekishaman supporting Hellen Vasconcellos Portuguese
Yashiro Chikama supporting Nina Carvalho Portuguese
Akira Hino supporting Manami Numakura Japanese
Akira Hino supporting Sarah Williams English

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