Poster depicting Soul Buster
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Soul Buster
2016-10-04 to 2016-12-11

Keishuu, China. The history books say that in the era of the Three Kingdoms, this land was a place of never-ending war. A young high school boy, Sonshin, who hates his city's history, is troubled by a certain dream. When he wakes up from the dream, strange things begin to happen one after another, and without understanding what's going on, he suddenly finds himself facing Gien, one of the generals from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, who's trying to kill him! Just before Gien's blade strikes home, a mysterious beautiful woman appears in front of Sonshin. What trials await Sonshin, as he witnesses this terrible battle between two generals of the Three Kingdoms? (Source: Crunchyroll)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Un Ryou main Seira Ryu Japanese
Yu Shuu main Rui Tanabe Japanese
Shin Son main Takahiro Mizushima Japanese
School Nurse supporting Kai Zhang Mandarin
Yi Barin supporting Tetsuya Kakihara Japanese
Kentei Han supporting Tomohiro Nishimura Japanese
Anzi Bo supporting Daisuke Namikawa Japanese
Ga Hou supporting Ami Koshimizu Japanese
Sei Sou supporting Shun Horie Japanese
Shuijing supporting Xiaoyu Liu Mandarin
Chou supporting Tarusuke Shingaki Japanese
Shuijing supporting Yuuko Sanpei Japanese
Fu Tei supporting Takayuki Sugou Japanese
School Nurse supporting Mari Hino Japanese
En Gi supporting Kenichirou Matsuda Japanese
Sou Shuu supporting Toshiyuki Toyonaga Japanese

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