Poster depicting Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters
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Digimon Universe App Monsters
デジモンユニバース アプリモンスターズ
2016-10-01 to 2017-09-30

Everyone in the world uses smartphone apps. But inside them lurks unknown creatures called "Appli Monsters," or "Appmon." The Appmon are AI lifeforms with the ability to think and act, and exist in the boundary between the human world and digital space. In the vast sea of the internet, the "last boss AI" Leviathan takes control of the Appmon with a virus and begins hacking every system, thus starting to control the human world from the world of the net. Haru Shinkai is led to acquire the Appli Drive, and uses it to materialize Gatchmon, a search app monster. (Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Musimon main Nao Tamura Japanese
Torajirou Asuka main Shiho Kokido Japanese
Gatchmon main Sophie Pyronnet French
Rei Katsura main Toshiyuki Toyonaga Japanese
Hackmon main Daisuke Sakaguchi Japanese
Torajirou Asuka main Stéphane Excoffier French
Haru Shinkai main Yumi Uchiyama Japanese
Rei Katsura main Bruno Borsu French
Hackmon main Stéphane Pelzer French
Haru Shinkai main Ludivine Deworst French
Dokamon main Motoko Kumai Japanese
Eri Karan main Nancy Philippot French
Gatchmon main Kokoro Kikuchi Japanese
Eri Karan main Umeka Shouji Japanese
Agumon supporting Chika Sakamoto Japanese
Ai Kashiki supporting Mai Fuchigami Japanese
Hajime Katsura supporting Inori Minase Japanese
Alice Mashiro supporting Inori Minase Japanese
Navimon supporting Shun Horie Japanese
Offmon supporting Yuu Shimamura Japanese
Yuujin Oozora supporting Makoto Furukawa Japanese
Fakemon supporting Tetsu Shiratori Japanese
Fakemon supporting Frédéric Clou French
Beautymon supporting Ayumi Tsunematsu Japanese
Yuujin Oozora supporting Brieuc Lemaire French
Sakusimon supporting Tsubasa Yonaga Japanese
Sakusimon supporting Frédéric Clou French
Denemon Shinkai supporting Wataru Takagi Japanese
Denemon Shinkai supporting Gregory Praet French
Knight Unryuuji supporting Nobunaga Shimazaki Japanese
Viomon supporting Takehito Koyasu Japanese
Takeru Wato supporting Ryou Hirohashi Japanese
Izumi Kagurazaka supporting Yui Horie Japanese
Karismon supporting Yuuichi Nakamura Japanese

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