Poster depicting Hal
3995 ratings
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English: Hal
2013-06-08 to 2013-06-08

Kurumi's heart was broken by the sudden death of her boyfriend in a tragic airplane accident. Forced to carry on without her beloved Hal, she fell into a reclusive and joyless existence. Kurumi had given up on the world, but a brilliant scientist devised a plan to win her back.

By melding futuristic technology with the binary equivalent of human emotion, they created an ultra-lifelike robotic surrogate to take Hal's place—and lure Kurumi from her shroud of solitude. Resistant at first, this shattered beauty slowly yielded to her feelings of longing—and took comfort in the company of a robot. Though their unique bond grew stronger with each passing day, Kurumi and Hal would soon discover that nothing about their artificial love story was quite as it seemed.

(Source: FUNimation)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Kurumi main Yoko Hikasa Japanese
Kurumi main Bryn Apprill English
Haru main Yoshimasa Hosoya Japanese
Haru main Chris Burnett English
Ryuu supporting Mamoru Miyano Japanese
Ryuu supporting Todd Haberkorn English

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