Poster depicting Biohazard: Damnation
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Biohazard: Damnation
Biohazard: Damnation
2012-09-15 to 2012-09-15

United States Special Agent Leon S. Kennedy sneaks into a small Eastern European country to verify rumors that Bio Organic Weapons (B.O.W.s) are being used in war. Right after his infiltration, the U.S. government orders him to leave immediately. Determined to uncover the truth, Leon ignores the order and enters the battlefield to end the chain of tragedies caused by the B.O.W.s.(Source: IMDB)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Leon Scott Kennedy main Matthew Mercer English
Alexander Kozachenko main Dave Wittenberg English
Svetlana Belikova supporting Wendee Lee English
Ada Wong supporting Courtenay Taylor English

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