Poster depicting Loups=Garous
1722 ratings
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ルー=ガルー 忌避すべき狼
2010-08-28 to 2010-08-28

In a near future, the world's population has decreased dramatically due to a deadly virus that terrorized the whole planet.Now people eat only synthetic food and tend to avoid as much as possible any form of physical connection or "real contact" with living creatures. Real shops have disappeared from the streets, and with the exception of the community centers (what were once called schools), people communicate with each others exclusively online.But even in this tightly controlled and systematized society, there is a group of young girls who actively pursued real contact. And when a string of brutal murders emerges, their challenge to this closed world is just about to begin.(Source: Production I.G)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Ayumi Kono main Hiromi Igarashi Japanese
Ayumi Kono main Corey Hartzog English
Hazuki Makino main Melissa Davis English
Hazuki Makino main Kanae Oki Japanese
Myao Rei main Miyuki Sawashiro Japanese
Myao Rei main Luci Christian English
Mio Tsuzuki main Hilary Haag English
Mio Tsuzuki main Marina Inoue Japanese
Shizue Fuwa supporting Shelley Calene-Black English
Shizue Fuwa supporting Eriko Hirata Japanese
Riichiro Ishida supporting Andy McAvin English
Riichiro Ishida supporting Yutaka Aoyama Japanese
Ryu Kawabata supporting Manabu Sakamaki Japanese
Touji Kunugi supporting David Matranga English
Touji Kunugi supporting Kunihiro Kawamoto Japanese
Yuji Nakamura supporting Kiyoshi Katsunuma Japanese
Yuko Yabe supporting Serena Varghese English
Yuko Yabe supporting Kana Uetake Japanese

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