Poster depicting Shukufuku no Campanella
1972 ratings
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Alternative titles
English: Blessing of the Campanella
2010-07-03 to 2010-09-18

The story takes place in a trading city Ert'Aria. Leicester Maycraft is an item engineer belonging to an adventurer guild "Oasis". One night, he is at a party with his friends to see a meteor stream on the rooftop of a chapel. One meteor grazes them and hits the steeple of the chapel. There he finds a secret room and a sleeping girl. The girl wakes up and says "You must be my father!". The encounter with the mysterious girl brings an unexpected adventure to Leicester.

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Voice Actors & Characters

Minette main Mai Kadowaki Japanese
Chelsea Arcot main Asami Imai Japanese
Agnes Boulange main Kaori Mizuhashi Japanese
Nick La'juck main Keiji Fujiwara Japanese
Leicester Maycraft main Nobuhiko Okamoto Japanese
Ritos Tortilla main Mai Gotou Japanese
Salsa Tortilla main Ari Yunohara Japanese
Carina Verritti main Kimiko Koyama Japanese
Avril supporting Yuuko Gotou Japanese
Montecchia supporting Hiromi Hirata Japanese
Golem supporting Hiroki Yasumoto Japanese
Miriam supporting Oma Ichimura Japanese
Tango supporting Satomi Koorogi Japanese
Mize Altowirz supporting Hiromi Hirata Japanese
Garnet Erin supporting Akiko Hasegawa Japanese
Nina Lindberg supporting Michiru Yuimoto Japanese
Shelley Maycraft supporting Naoko Takano Japanese
Nagan Maycraft supporting Hiroki Yasumoto Japanese
Aberdeen Roland supporting Noriaki Sugiyama Japanese
Fabious Veritti supporting Hiroya Ishimaru Japanese
Fiore Verritti supporting Satomi Koorogi Japanese

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