Poster depicting Choujikuu Kidan Southern Cross
831 ratings
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Alternative titles
English: Robotech Masters
1984-04-15 to 1984-09-30

By the year 2120, humans have successfully colonized other planets following the near devestation of Earth from the last great world war. However, on Gloire, one such colony are surprised and unprepared at the arrival of The Zor, a group of beings whom were the original inhabitants of the planet and left following similar near fatal events. Coming to reclaim their former home world, a relentless war erupts between both races that ultimately leads to a cataclysmic showdown and into a no-win scenario for either.(Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Mary Angel main Kumiko Mizukura Japanese
Jeanne Fránçaix main Michie Tomizawa Japanese
Jeanne Fránçaix main Lisa Michelson English
Lana Isavia main Mika Doi Japanese
Claude Leon main Daisuke Gouri Japanese
Musica supporting Noriko Hidaka Japanese
R. Brown supporting Kouji Totani Japanese
Charles de Etouard supporting Bin Shimada Japanese
Louis Ducasse supporting Issei Futamata Japanese
Bowie Emerson supporting Arihiro Hase Japanese
Rolf Emerson supporting Mugihito Japanese
Andrzej Slawski supporting Kosuke Meguro Japanese
Seifriet Weiße supporting Yoshikazu Hirano Japanese

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