Poster depicting Heroman
3545 ratings
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2010-04-01 to 2010-09-23

Joey is an orphan living with his grandmother in Center City on the West Coast of the United States of America. Joey, like any other boy his age, is interested in robots and gadgets and dreams about owning a particular toy robot called a Heybo. Heybos have very advanced mechanisms and controls but with great mechanisms comes great price; the robot is too expensive for Joey, whose only source of income is a part-time job at a restaurant and he needs that money to help support himself and his grandmother.

One day, when Joey is on his way home from school, he happens upon a couple of bullies who are playing around with a Heybo. Long story short, the bullies manage to get the robot run over by a car and Joey retrieves the wreckage from a trash can. Once home, Joey fixes the robot and names it Heroman. Later that night, a thunderstorm results in Heroman getting wet and, improbably, struck by lightning. The result is amazing, Heroman grows massive in size, gets emblazoned with the colors of the American flag and responds to Joey's commands!

At the same time in space, an alien race called the Skrugg is preparing an invasion of Earth. Now it's up to Joey and Heroman to save Earth!

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Voice Actors & Characters

Heroman main Ryouta Takeuchi Japanese
Lina Davis main Mayu Obata Japanese
Lina Davis main Ana Rocío Bermúdez Spanish
Joseph Carter Jones main Mikako Komatsu Japanese
Joseph Carter Jones main Muriel Hofmann English
Simon Kaina main Ryouhei Kimura Japanese
Amanorich supporting Anri Katsu Japanese
Stallion supporting Masafumi Kimura Japanese
Veronica supporting Ryouko Gi Japanese
Vera Collins supporting Naomi Shindo Japanese
William Davis supporting Makoto Yasumura Japanese
Nicholas De Carlo supporting Akio Suyama Japanese
Matthew Denton supporting Cho Japanese
Hughes supporting Hiroki Touchi Japanese
Hughes supporting Camilo Rodríguez Spanish
Holly Virginia Jones supporting Arisa Ogasawara Japanese
Virginia Jones supporting Sumie Sakai Japanese
Stan Lee supporting Atsushi Ii Japanese
Doctor Minami supporting Yasunori Matsumoto Japanese

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