Poster depicting Himitsu: The Revelation
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Alternative titles
秘密(トップシークレット) The Revelation
Himitsu: The Revelation
2008-04-09 to 2008-10-01

A newly developed method allows to display the memories of dead people. It is used to solve difficult murder cases. But at what cost? What of the dead's privacy as strangers poke about in their most private memories? What about the effects the imageries may have on the persons whose jobs require going through psychotic murderers' minds and experience whatever emotions and feelings these murderers felt as they skin and disembowel their victims?

(Source: Adapted from manga description)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Ikkou Aoki main Daisuke Namikawa Japanese
Tsuyoshi Maki main Tomokazu Seki Japanese
Nanako Amaichi supporting Ai Nonaka Japanese
Matthew Harvey supporting Nozomu Sasaki Japanese
Onokida Hijiri supporting Mitsuaki Madono Japanese
Yukiko Miyoshi supporting Emi Shinohara Japanese
Yasufumi Okabe supporting Kosuke Meguro Japanese
Kyouko Satonaka supporting Mamiko Noto Japanese
Michiru Sendou supporting Eri Sendai Japanese
Takashi Soga supporting Kenji Hamada Japanese

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