Poster depicting Amon: The Apocalypse of Devilman
1492 ratings
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Alternative titles
AMON デビルマン黙示録
Amon: The Apocalypse of Devilman
2000-05-24 to 2000-05-24

Fear runs rampant throughout Tokyo with the revelation that demons in fact exist amongst us. Paranoia and the darker side of humanity boils onto the streets as people turn on one another, suspecting that anyone could in fact be a demon hiding in human clothing. Amidst the growing tensions, tragedy strikes Akira causing his mind to snap, retreating into his subconscious, allowing his Devilish alter-ego Amon to break free from Akira's cage of flesh and wreak havoc on both human and demons alike.

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Voice Actors & Characters

Amon main Akio Otsuka Japanese
Amon main Claudio Moneta Italian
Devilman main Shinji Takeda Japanese
Devilman main Ivo De palma Italian
Ryou Asuka main Tomokazu Seki Japanese
Ryou Asuka main Federico Zanandrea Italian
Akira Fudou main Shinji Takeda Japanese
Akira Fudou main Ivo De palma Italian
Satan supporting Tomokazu Seki Japanese
Zuuboi supporting Hirotaka Suzuoki Japanese
Psycho Jenny supporting Mitsuki Saiga Japanese
Saylos supporting Kazuki Yao Japanese
Yumi supporting Tomoko Kawakami Japanese
Miko supporting Rie Tanaka Japanese
Miko supporting Renata Bertolas Italian
Tare Makimura supporting Motoko Kumai Japanese
Miki Makimura supporting Atsuko Enomoto Japanese

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