Poster depicting Oh! Super Milk-chan
450 ratings
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Alternative titles
OH! スーパーミルクチャン
English: The Super Milk-Chan Show
2000-01-27 to 2000-04-13

Milk-chan is a drooling, potty-mouthed baby who lives in an apartment with an obsolete robot named Tetsuko, a slug named Hanage, and an uncontrollable pet named Robodog. Whenever the President calls, Milk-chan and the gang rush to the scene to solve any type of problem - whether it's stopping a money counterfeiter hungry for Belgian waffles or counselling a school of drunk fish. At the same time, they have to avoid a nagging landlord, as they're six months behind their rent.

(Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Tetsuko main Ryoka Yuzuki Japanese
Tetsuko main Monica Rial English
Hanage main Vagner Fagundes Portuguese
Hanage main Ben Pronsky English
Super Milk Chan main Hilary Haag English
Super Milk Chan main Haruka Nakamura Japanese
The President main Cho Japanese
The President main Mike MacRae English
The President main Wellington Lima Portuguese
Dr. Eyepatch supporting Nobuo Tobita Japanese
Dr. Eyepatch supporting Tommy Drake English
The Landlord supporting Rob Mungle English
Robodog No. 1 supporting David Matranga English
Robodog No. 1 supporting Vagner Fagundes Portuguese

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