Poster depicting Ginga Tetsudou no Yoru
1001 ratings
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Alternative titles
English: Night on the Galactic Railroad
1985-07-13 to 1985-07-13

Based on a short story by the popular children`s writer Kenji Miyazawa, Galactic Railroad offers viewers a slow-paced, dreamlike journey through space and time. When Giovanni, a lonely boy in a hill town, goes to get milk for his ailing mother, he finds himself crossing the Milky Way on a faster-than-light steam railroad. The stations he visits in various constellations, like the planets explored by St. Exupery`s Little Prince, offer curious adventures and an assortment of human "types." Reality and fantasy blur aboard the train, and its travels across the light-years sometimes suggests the journey through life. The characters as depicted as cats, presumably to avoid the problems of animating humans.

(Source: AniDB)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Giovanni main Mayumi Tanaka Japanese
Giovanni main Veronica Taylor English
Campanella main Crispin Freeman English
Campanella main Chika Sakamoto Japanese

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