Poster depicting Saber Marionette J Again
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Saber Marionette J Again
1997-11-25 to 1998-06-25

Lime, Cherry, and Bloodberry, female-like androids called marionettes, have returned to Otaru`s side. The somewhat reformed marionettes of Faust (Tiger, Luchs, and Panther) are sent to stay with Otaru and friends to learn more about being human. Enter a seventh marionette named Marine, who has a mysterious power -- and they all possess the special maiden circuit that allows a marionette to feel emotions!

(Source: AniDB)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Lime main Megumi Hayashibara Japanese
Lime main Julie Maddalena English
Lime main Cristina Hernandez Spanish
Lime main Márcia Regina Portuguese
Lime main Mi Na Yun Korean
Cherry main Yuri Shiratori Japanese
Cherry main Bridget Hoffman English
Cherry main Rossy Aguirre Spanish
Cherry main Fátima Noya Portuguese
Cherry main Hye Ok Jeong Korean
Bloodberry main Akiko Hiramatsu Japanese
Bloodberry main Mary Elizabeth McGlynn English
Tiger main Urara Takano Japanese
Tiger main Dian Andrews English
Marine main Lia Sargent English
Marine main Maya Okamoto Japanese
Marine main Raquel Marinho Portuguese
Otaru Mamiya main Mona Marshall English
Otaru Mamiya main Yuka Imai Japanese
Otaru Mamiya main Irwin Daayán Spanish
Otaru Mamiya main Márcio Araújo Portuguese
Luchs supporting Wendee Lee English
Luchs supporting Yuko Mizutani Japanese
Hess supporting Tomohiro Nishimura Japanese

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