Poster depicting Himawari!
2146 ratings
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English: Himawari!
2006-04-09 to 2006-07-02

Himawari Hinata recently transfered to Shinobi Gakuen to train to become the best kunoichi she can be. She wanted to be a ninja ever since she was saved by one when she was little. On her first day, she meets Hayato Madenokoji (a new transfer teacher) who saves her life. Hayato does not possess any ninja skills or traits, he is teaching the ninjas about normal society to pay off his debt. However, Himawari notices that Hayato bares the same mark on his neck as the ninja who saved her when she was young. (Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Yusura main Asumi Nakata Japanese
Yusura main Isabelle Volpe French
Marikoji Hayato main Kouichi Toochika Japanese
Marikoji Hayato main Vincent De Bouard French
Himawari Hinata main Kana Matsumoto Japanese
Himawari Hinata main Magali Rosenzweig French
Shikimi supporting Aya Hirano Japanese
Shikimi supporting Marie Diot French
Himeji supporting Mayumi Yoshida Japanese
Himeji supporting Pauline De Meurville French
Momota supporting Yui Kano Japanese
Azami supporting Ryoko Shiraishi Japanese
Azami supporting Marjolaine Poulain French
Nanafushi supporting Takashi Kondou Japanese
Nanafushi supporting Jean-Marc Montalto French
Tsukiyohime supporting Florence Dumortier French
Yonesawa supporting Takashi Kondou Japanese
Yonesawa supporting Lucas Bleger French

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