Poster depicting Mahou Shoujo Tai Arusu
1381 ratings
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English: Tweeny Witches
2004-04-09 to 2005-03-04

Arusu believes in magic. With all her heart, she believes that magic is possible and that it can be used for good deeds and fun games. But suddenly, she finds herself transported into another world, ruled by a mysterious elite of witches - and these witches don't seem to be in it for the fun. They're hard at work capturing sprites, the native magical beings of the world, and forcing them into slavery. Once Arusu realizes that her new surroundings aren't just a dream, she sets out to change things.

(Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Arusu main Sachiko Kojima Japanese
Arusu main Julie Maddalena English
Arusu main Candice Moore English
Arusu main Seon Lee Korean
Sheila main Houko Kuwashima Japanese
Sheila main Cindy Robinson English
Sheila main Claudia Thompson English
Sheila main Jeong Mi Bae Korean
Eva main Ryou Hirohashi Japanese
Eva main Mela Lee English
Eva main Andrea Kwan English
Eva main Do Yeong Song Korean
Sigma main Hiroyuki Yoshino Japanese
Sigma main Rik Thomas English
Ateria main Atsuko Tanaka Japanese
Ateria main Andrea Kwan English
Ateria main Jessica Gee George English
Ateria main Mun Ja Choi Korean
Renon main Yuuki Tai Japanese
Renon main Brianne Siddall English
Renon main Darren Pleavin English
Grand Master supporting Ryouko Kinomiya Japanese
Grand Master supporting Do Yeong Song Korean
Grand Master supporting Catherine Battistone English
Barun supporting Lauren Landa English
Barun supporting Mun Ja Choi Korean
Grande supporting Jouji Nakata Japanese
Grande supporting Jamieson Price English

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