Poster depicting Hikaru no Go: Journey to the North Star Cup
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Alternative titles
ヒカルの碁 北斗杯への道
Hikaru no Go: Journey to the North Star Cup
2004-01-03 to 2004-01-03

Hikaru is given a phone call asking him to appear in the Japan/China/Korea Junior's Tournament but he finds out he will have to take place in a preliminary tournament to choose Japan's three contestants. Upon discussing this with Akira, he discovers that Akira has already been chosen for the tournament and will not be taking place in the preliminaries. Hikaru then decides not to visit Akira's Go Salon until he takes his place on the team with Akira. That may be tougher than originally planned, as not only does Hikaru have to battle with old friends for one of two coveted spots, but he may have a new challenger, in a promising player from the Kansai Go Institute. (Source: ANN)

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Voice Actors & Characters

Hikaru Shindou main Tomoko Kawakami Japanese
Akira Toya main Sanae Kobayashi Japanese
Akari Fujisaki supporting Yumi Kakazu Japanese
Shinichiro Isumi supporting Kenichi Suzumura Japanese
Atsushi Kurata supporting Mitsuo Iwata Japanese
Yoshitaka Waya supporting Reiko Takagi Japanese
Kiyoharu Yashiro supporting Katashi Ishizuka Japanese

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