Portrait of character named  Shura Kirigakure


Age: 26-27

Birthday: August 8

Hair: red/blonde

Height: 169 cm (5'7")

Blood Type: O

Pastimes and talents: foot massages, hot stone spas, and bothering animals.

Average hours of sleep per night: 8

Favorite manga genres: romance

Favorite type of guy: strong and collected

Shura is an Upper-First class Exorcist and Rin Okumura's mentor. She trained under the guidance of Shirou Fujimoto to obtain the title Meister as a Knight. She officially works as an Inspector for the Vatican, but has infiltrated True Cross Academy, first as a student under the name Yamada, and later as a teacher for the Exwires.

(Source: Ao no Exorcist Wikia)

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