Portrait of character named  Yukio Okumura


Age: 15

Birthday: December 27

Hair: Brown (Manga and Anime)

Eyes: Teal

Height: 180 cm (5' 11")

Weight: 70 kg (154 lbs)

Blood: Type O

Pastimes and talents: Formulating plans and reading Jump Square every month

Average hours of sleep per night: 4

Favorite foods: Seafood (especially sashimi)

Favorite manga genres: Comedy, horror, suspense

Favorite type of girl: ...

Yukio is Rin's younger, fraternal twin brother. A straight arrow and kind-hearted by nature, he is the youngest person to ever pass the Exorcist qualification exam, attaining a Meister in Doctor and Dragoon, and later becomes a teacher at True Cross Academy, where he ironically ends up teaching his older brother in the ways of the Exorcist.

(Source: Ao no Exorcist Wikia)

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