Portrait of character named  Yuuji Hitouji


Class: 3-8, classnumber 22

Birthday: 9/11

Bloodtype: B

Height: 168cm

Weight: 59kg

Shoe size: 25.5cm

Eyesight: Left and right 1.8

Dominant hand: Left (Right if he's with Koharu)

Best technique: Mimicry Tennis, Comic Tennis

Favorite food; Okra

Hobbies: Making jokes

Family: Dad, Mom, Older brother

Father's job: Designer

Committee: Interesting Research Committee Member (LOLRIKA WHAT?)

Best Subject: Art

Worst Subject: Math

Most visited place in school: Wherever Koharu is

Elementary School: Shin Yanagawakita Elementary School

Spends his money on: Props

Motto: 人生マネたモン勝ちや!人生ホレたモン負けや! (Imitating life is win! Falling in love with life is lose! ...bad translations, I tell ya.)

Fave movie: Cutie Honey

Fave book: small joke collections

Fave music: Western music, rock

Fave color: Indigo

Type of person: Koharu

Date spot: Watching TV in your own home

Daily Routine: Watching TV on his own

Dislikes: Kids

Skills other than tennis: Mimicry

Racquet: YONEX

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