Portrait of character named  Ribbons Almark


Birthday: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Gender: None

Blood-Type: Unknown

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Affiliation: Celestial Being & Corner Family (S1), Innovators (Group), Earth Sphere Federation, A-Laws (S2)

Occupation: Gundam Meister (former), Personal Assistant (S1), (S2)

Mobile Suits: GN-000 0 Gundam (S1/S2), CB-0000G/C Reborns Gundam (S2)

Ribbons was first shown as Alejandro Corner's assistant at the beginning of Gundam 00. After Alejandro had taken him in, Ribbons displayed loyalty and followed through Alejandro’s every command. He was charming and soft spoken; he was gifted with youthful charisma often compared to those of modern idols.

In the series, especially during Season 2,

Source: (gundam.wikia.com)

Appearing in