Portrait of character named  Yui Narumi


Birthday: October 7th

Age: 26

Lives in: Saitama Prefecture

Blood Type: A

Strong subjects: Morals and ethics

Disliked subjects: Math

Yui is Konata's cousin and is a female police officer for the Saitama Prefectural Police Department. She is very easy-going and is a cop who acts before thinking. She is a bit of a klutz and is a meganekko. However, she has a tendency to road rage when she's behind the wheel. Yui has a well-rounded face and a large forehead, has straight and short dark green hair, and her eyes are brown. Yui isn't into fashion that much. She recently married, leaving behind her maiden name of Kobayakawa. However, her significant other is out of town all the time, so she frequently visits Konata's house. Usually, Yui will come over to Konata's home very late at night while drunk.

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