Portrait of character named  Patricia Martin


Birthday: April 16

Zodiac: Aries

Lives in: Saitama Prefecture

Blood type: O

Strong subject: English

Disliked subject: Japanese

Hair color: blonde

Eye color: blue

She is a transfer student from the United States. She is in the same class as Yutaka and Minami. She has short blonde hair and blue eyes. Patricia loves anime and manga and has learned all her Japanese through them, so in effect her Japanese is very weird. She is extremely energetic and lively and has a high interest in boys love. Aside from Miyuki, she has the second biggest chest size, which she is often ashamed about. Patricia works with Konata at the cosplay cafe.

Her voice is meant to represent Minnie Mouse's in both the Japanese and English version. In Japanese, it is supposed to highlight her American heritage, while in English it merely follows the Japanese version.

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