Portrait of character named  Izumi Himuro


Birthday: August 5th (Leo)

Height: 5' 6" / 168.5 cm

Weight: 107 lbs. / 48.8 kg

Blood Type: Type A

Position: 4th batter, third base

Throws: Right-Handed

Bats: Right-Handed

Hobbies: Playing piano, watching operas

Izumi is the daughter of the school's chairperson, Keiko Himuro, and was a star tennis player. However, she cast aside her talent in tennis to become Ryo's rival in baseball. Often caustic and difficult, her only goals pertain to her success. Alongside with Koharu, Izumi is one of the two strongest batters of the team, forming the primary offensive weapons of Kisaragi Girls' Baseball Team.

(Source: Wikipedia; English Dub)

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