Portrait of character named  Refill Sage


Refill is Genius' older sister and Iselia's schoolteacher. Refill is calm and levelheaded, but is overly fascinated around ruins of any kind. She raised Genius from childhood all by herself, and doesn't hesitate in resorting to physical violence to teach Lloyd or Genius a lesson.

Eventually, Virginia, Refill and Genius' mother, sent them both through the Otherworldly Gate so that they could escape. The reason Refill and Genius were able to live in Iselia was because Refill told the villagers they were elves, having Genius hide his true nature as well. Refill is the complete opposite of Genius in cooking, and tends to make rather repulsive food, as noted by Lloyd and several other members. She takes comments about her cooking straight to heart and usually loses her temper. Refill is a classic staff-wielding healer, and is also gifted with light-element offensive spells and stat augmentations.


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