Portrait of character named  Teru Mikami


Birthday: June 7, 1982

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 56 kg

Blood Type: A

Likes: Order

Dislikes: Chaos

Teru Mikami is a young man with a strong feeling for justice, and who worships Kira. This goes even so far that he calls Light 'Kami', which is Japanese for God. He is prepared to help Kira by any means, even if it means sacrificing his own life.

Mikami works as a lawyer, and was bullied for standing up for what is right when he was younger in school. He was an excellent student and did well academically. He became a prosecuting agent to impose the punishment that criminals deserved.

Mikami lives alone and likes to work out consistently, even on New Year's Day. He's maniacally rigorous and punctual, and overall he's a talented and intelligent person who has the tendency to act in a way that is described as "Kira-like".

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