Portrait of character named  Kei Tanishi


Higa Chuu, 3rd Year, Class 5, Number 15

Birthday (Star Sign): October 23 (Libra)

Blood Type: A

Dominant Hand: Right

Special Techniques: Shukuchihou, Carioca Step, Big Bang

Favourite Food: Ice-cream, Cola, Rafute

Hobbies: Skipping stones

Family: Mother, Father, 4 older brothers, 2 younger sisters, 2 younger brothers

Father's Occupation (Family Business): Restaurant Owner

Committees: None

Best Subject: Cooking

Worst Subject: Modern Literature, Social Studies (Memorisation)

Most Visited School Spot: Cafeteria

Elementary School: South Ryuukyuu Elementary School

Spends Allowance on: Buying Food

Motto: Bigger is better

Favourite Movie: Anime

Favourite Book: Gourmet Manga

Favourite Music: Para Para

Favourite Colour: Ultramarine

Favourite Type: Any girl who'd have me!

Date Spot he wants to go to: Disco

Thing he wants most now: King-sized bed

Daily Routine: M-O-R-E!! (probably having seconds of everything hahaha)

Thing he's bad at: Puzzles

Special Skill Apart from Tennis: Okinawan Martial Arts, Tong Eating

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